Coco Nara Hookah Charcoal 40mm
These Coco Nara quick light coals are 40 mm in diameter and are one of the most popular options from this top-rated natural hookah charcoal brand. The quick-light charcoal can sit atop nicely on any hookah bowl for the best hookah experience.
Coco Nara Hookah Charcoal 33mm
The most well-known natural hookah charcoal brand has created quick-light coal in a 33 mm size. These puck-shaped charcoals from Coco Nara give off the perfect amount of heat to prevent the burnt taste you might get from other coals and hookah products.
Coco Nara Cube Hookah Charcoal
Coco Nara hookah coals offer cube-shaped charcoal to help get the best hookah flavors out of your shisha tobacco. This is a favorite for many smokers that want high-quality hookah products for long-lasting smoke sessions.
Coco Nara Flat Hookah Charcoal
These unique natural hookah charcoals are made from compressed coconut shells. Coco Nara coals are easily lit on a stovetop and are the natural coals of choice for many hookah smokers. These hookah coals are clean-tasting and are perfect for modern hookahs.